How LawQWE can help you?
If you are a law firm or organisation providing legal services and looking for paralegals but not sure about the new system or routes to qualification, we have hundreds of high calibre aspiring lawyers signed up to our site looking to be matched with paralegal opportunities.

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Showcasing our expertise and presence in 2024

Know your processes
As the legal profession welcomes the next generation of solicitors via the Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE), employers are adapting to new qualifying work experience (QWE) pathways for their teams. So what do you need to know?

Know your candidates
There are multiple pathways and routes into the legal profession now and the work done as part of a paralegal's accreditation can often count as QWE.

Know your needs
LawQWE products are designed to suit all your recruitment needs. Order a standard job ad, purchase a bespoke training contract or apprenticeship ad or upgrade to a premium ad to get noticed!

Know our products and services
LawQWE products are designed to suit all your recruitment needs. Order a standard job ad, purchase a bespoke training contract or apprenticeship ad or upgrade to a premium ad to get noticed!

Are you a criminal advice provider?
Did you know when taking on your paralegals, you could support them through the police accreditation and confirm that as prior QWE and get them qualified and higher fee earning for you sooner?

Are you an Immigration advice provider?
Get your paralegals accredited and confirm this as previous QWE and retain your qualified solicitor.

Friday 4 July 2025 Legal Professional Education and Training One Day Conference at Linklaters London "Supporting new lawyers from learning to practice" Speakers from across the legal education and learning spectrum will discuss professional legal education and the training environment for aspiring lawyers. Take advantage of this excellent opportunity to network and gain valuable insights on the key topics of current interest, including student perspectives, employability, work experience schemes, qualifying work experience, work readiness and AI. Who is it for? The event is designed for those working in legal education or training and employers in legal services. It will bring together universities, law firms and policymakers to discuss the changing legal education market and consider the future training needs of the profession. Who are the organisers? The conference is being hosted by the Central Applications Board Ltd, a not-for-profit membership organisation handling course applications through LawCAB for around 35 universities and other professional legal training providers - in collaboration with LawQWE, a platform designed to connect aspiring lawyers seeking work experience to complete their qualification with employers in the legal market Who will attend? Attendees will include: • Representatives from law firms and other employers of new legal talent • Representatives from regulators and other related standards setting bodies • Professional legal qualification course leaders at universities and other training providers, • Other academic, careers, employability and business development staff
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