Know your talent
What kind of lawyers do you want to employ? Lawyers don’t all work in large corporate law firms and there are so many different roles and opportunities out there. We want to inspire you to think about what sort of role might be best for your candidates. This could be determined by many factors, but personality type will play a role. Personality type helps to explain why candidates might be more interested in the cut and thrust of debate or why they may be particularly motivated by the satisfaction of helping other people solve their legal problems. Knowing what kind of person you are recruiting is the first step in the journey to supporting them in a career that will suit them best.

Step 1
Ask your candidates to take the 16 personalities test.

Step 2
Get them to return to this page and check out the personality hub below and see what Chat GPT says about their personality type and chosen area of law.

Step 3
Get them to take our short survey and tell us a bit more.

Now that they have their results of the 16personalities test, do you think you are recruiting the right kind of candidates for your practice areas?
We want people to enjoy their legal career from the very beginning and that will happen when the right personality aligns with the right job.
We want candidates with a realistic prospect of being selected to apply for the roles but we also want successful candidates to make the most of their opportunity.Need more information?
Contact us to request a call back from one of our team