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Training Contract - September 2026 -  Gaby Hardwicke Solicitors

Training Contract - September 2026 - Gaby Hardwicke Solicitors

companyGaby Hardwicke Solicitors
PublishedPublished: Published 1 month ago
Full time
Role CommencementWithin 2 years
SRA QWE competencesApplying critical thinking and analysis (SRA competences A5) | Applying legal principles (SRA competences A4) | Clear Oral and Written Communication (SRA competences C1) | Client relationships (SRA competences C2) | Learning from practice and other people (SRA competences A2) | Legal Drafting (SRA competences B4) | Legal Research (SRA competences B2) | Opportunity to gain feedback from effective supervision (SRA competences A3) | Project/case management (SRA competences B7) | Technical legal practice (SRA competences B1) | Understanding the business and compliance environment of the organisation (SRA competences D2) | Self-management (SRA competences D1) | Working in professionally regulated environment (SRA competences A1) | Professional workplace relationships (SRA competences C3)

Application deadline: not stated

Gaby Hardwicke Solicitors is committed to investing in its junior lawyers, and our trainee programme is where it all starts.  We see our trainees as future owners and leaders of the firm  – indeed, five of our current partners trained with us – and our hope is that we will retain every trainee we recruit, and that they will go on to enjoy successful careers with the firm.

We offer traditionally structured training contracts, where – typically – our trainees undertake four seats of around six months each.  We are a mid-sized regional practice, offering both private client and commercial law services and a typical training contract will involve seats in both of these areas.  We are blessed with great clients and there is plenty of quality work.

Trainees undertake a short initial induction programme and then work under the direct supervision of a training principal (typically a partner, and often the head of a team).  Both team managers and team members will give you the support that you need during your training contract and there will be plenty of opportunity for getting involved in both client work and on the job training.

We don’t have a typical training contract applicant.  However, what we tend to look for is:

  • A track record of good academics – GCSE, A-level and degree (or their equivalent).
  • A genuine interest in the law, our region and working at Gaby Hardwicke.
  • Independence.
  • Collegiality
  • A determination to succeed and to do the best that you can.

We consider applicants on both the LPC and SQE routes.  However, we currently only offer training contracts to SQE applicants who want to undertake a full, traditional contract.

We have three main offices – in Eastbourne, Bexhill-on-Sea and Hastings – and trainee seats might be in any or all of them.  In each office our new trainees will find like-minded colleagues, be they existing trainees, newly qualified solicitors, paralegals or executives.

As a firm we care a great deal about our working culture – making sure that our staff are well trained, happy and willing to go the extra mile for clients is important to us.  We therefore encourage trainees to get involved in firm life and extra-curricular activities as much as they can.

We offer competitive salaries from September 2024, (£28,500 in Year 1 and £31,000 in Year 2) and a great package of benefits.

The Recruitment Process

Our recruitment process for trainee solicitors has two stages:

  1. Formal application by covering letter and C.V. Applications are considered by our training principal, who selects between 8-16 candidates for interview.
  2. A formal interview by a panel of partners, plus a short written assessment exercise.

Our minimum academic requirements are a 2.1 degree, not necessarily in law, and a minimum of 128 UCAS points from 3 A levels or the IB equivalent.

We are now inviting applications for training contracts (up to two) commencing in September 2026.

All applications and any enquiries should be directed to

Salary range

  • £1-£29,999